
Romania for Christ

Studiu Biblic EURO SP FB YT

1 Geneza 2 Exodul 3 Leviticul 4 Numeri 5 Deuteronomul
6 Iosua 7 Judecatori 8 Rut 9-10 Samuel 11-12 Regi
13-14 Cronici 15-16
Ezra – Neemia 17 Estera
18 Iov 19 Psalmi 20 Proverbe 21 Eclesiastul 22 Cantarea
Isaia 24-25 Ieremia 26 Ezechiel 27 Daniel
28 Osea 29 Ioel 30 Amos 31 Obadia
32 Iona 33 Mica 34 Naum 35 Habacuc
36 Tefania 37 Hagai 38 Zaharia 39 Maleahi
40 Matei 41 Marcu 43 Ioan 42 Luca 44 Faptele Apostolilor
45 Romani 46-47 Corinteni 48 Galateni 49 Efeseni 50 Filipeni 51 Coloseni 52-53 Tesaloniceni 54 Tit 55-56 1-2 Timotei 57 Filimon
58 Evrei 59 Iacov 60-61 1-2 Petru 62-64 1-2-3 Ioan 65 Iuda

A) Cum Scripturile ne pregătesc pentru orice lucrare bună
B) Cum să-L găsești pe Tatăl nostru ceresc Iehovah Dumnezeu
C) De ce să credem că Ieshua Isus este Unsul care are toată puterea
D) Cum să faci față ispitelor, păcatului și cum se face pocăința
E) Care este Evanghelia completa despre mântuire pentru darul vieții
F) Cine este Duhul Sfânt și ce face El și ce avem noi datorită Lui
G) Congregațiile pe case în contextul Împărăției Cerurilor
H) Cum să împlinim poruncile Noului Testament
I) Ucenicii care fac discipoli
J) Binecuvantarea Copiiilor si a Tinerilor
K) Căsătorii și familii unite
L) Conducerea în Împărăția lui Dumnezeu, roluri și obiective
M) Cum se face muzica duhovnicească


Welcome to Eforie Church

10 AM Sunday Worship Service 
7 PM Wednesday Bible Study 

7 PM Monday Prayer / Fasting 
7 PM Tuesday Video Media Production
7 PM Thursday Singing Scriptures Recordings 
7 PM Friday Evangelize Outdoor & Online Outreach 
10 AM Saturday Life Groups (English, Romanian, Spanish)

How to fellowship with faithful friends for fitness and fruit?
Write a comment or sign up HERE for the meetings.
Relate4ever Resources on FaceBook YouTube TeleGram 🙏

1 GenesisExodus 3 LeviticusNumbersDeuteronomy
6 JoshuaJudgesRuth 9-10 Samuel 11-12 Kings
13-14 Chronicles 15-16 Ezra – Nehemiah 17 Esther
18 Job 19 Psalms 20 Proverbs 21 Ecclesiastes 22 Song of Solomon
23 Isaiah 24-25 Jeremiah 26 Ezekiel 27 Daniel
Hosea 29 Joel 30 Amos 31 Obadiah
32 Jonah 33 Micah 34 Nahum 35 Habakkuk
36 Zephaniah 37 Haggai 38 Zechariah 39 Malachi
40 Matthew 41 Mark 43 John 42 Luke 44 Acts
45 Romans 46-47 Corinthians 48 Galatians 49 Ephesians 50 Philippians 51 Colossians 52-53 1-2 Thessalonians
54-55 1-2 Timothy 56 Titus 57 Philemon
58 Hebrews 59 James 60-61 1-2 Peter 62-64 1-2-3 John 65 Jude
66 Revelation

1. Word from the Scriptures
2. God the Father
3. Jesus the Lord
4. Temptations Sins and Repentance
5. Baptism and Salvation
6. Holy Spirit
7. Congregation in the Kingdom of Heaven
8. One Another Commandments
9. How Disciples Are Making Disciples
10. Children and Youth
11. Family Unity
12. Leaders

Which ministry workshops would you be interested to join?
Youth, Marriage, Parenting, Health, Discipleship, Leadership

“God is a Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth” (John 4:24). While worship involves emotion, it is guided by “the truth,” which is the word of God (John 17:17). The Lord also explained that additions, subtractions, and innovations are unacceptable and vain (Matthew 15:9). The apostles further explained that both “will” worship (i.e., self-designed, self-approved), and “ignorant” worship are not acceptable to God (Colossi ans 2:23; Acts 17:23).

The Christians in congregation collectively seek to follow the simple, spiritual worship revealed in the New Covenant. Therefore, in our assemblies, one can expect to experience the following these acts of worship:

The Lord’s Supper. This memorial feast of unleavened bread and fruit of the vine is observed each Lord’s day in commemoration of Christ’s death (Acts 2:42; 20:7; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26).
Congregational singing.

Songs of praise, encouragement, and thanksgiving are sung from the heart to both educate one another and glorify God according to His direction (Ephesians 5:19; Colossi ans 3:16-17).

Prayer. Humble requests and words of thanksgiving are given to God through Jesus Christ (Acts 2:42; 1 Thessalonians 5:17).
Voluntary contribution. A free-will collection is taken from members each Lord’s day to carry out the Scriptural work of the church (1 Corinthians 16:1-2; 2 Corinthians 9:6-7).

Bible preaching. We receive comprehensive and understandable studies of God’s word designed to “reprove, rebuke, and exhort with all long suffering and doctrine” (2 Timothy 4:2). Each sermon should both glorify God, and accurately communicate His will with love and urgency (Ephesians 4:15).

Since Christians meet regularly (Hebrews 10:24-26), the faithful seek every opportunity to assemble for worship, accepting and practicing only those things for which there is clear Biblical authority (1 Thessalonians 5:21).